Acest site este cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013.

Non-Governmental Professional Association of Social Assistance (ASSOC)

The mission of the Non-Governmental Professional Association of Social Assistance (ASSOC) from Baia Mare is to promote social assistance by improving the living conditions of deprived persons. For over 17 years ASSOC has delivered social services and employment services related to the domestic labour market to people from various vulnerable categories (children separated or in risk of separation from their parents, young people coming from the social protection system, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons).

The main activities carried out by ASSOC are: information, social counselling, psychological counselling, housing on undetermined periods, family type assistance and care, medical assistance and care, recovery, rehabilitation, education, socialising, spare time spending, family and community reintegration, professional and social integration/reintegration, support and guidance for readapting and re-educating vulnerable persons in view of reintegrating the labour market, testing the work capacity of vulnerable persons and guidance in view of finding a job, preparing and distributing food.

The association provides a series of services and products also through the two protected units ASSOC and the social enterprises: ASSOC Packing (production of carton and paper packages) and ASSOC Social Restaurant & Catering (food enterprise).

In his capacity of professional social assistance association, ASSOC has contributed constantly to the reform process of social services, as well as the elaboration of social assistance legislation in view of adapting the Romanian legislation to the day-to-day reality and of correlating it with the different European legislation which are more advanced in the field of social assistance and social economy.

In the framework of the implemented projects, ASSOC gathered a solid experience by accomplishing successfully activities of information, guidance, mediation and counselling for career finding in the field of social economy, training of specialists in developing social economy, training programmes designed for specialists in the field of social inclusion, communication and promotion of social economy (RESCUE – Setting Up a Social Economy Network Aiming at Professional Integration of Persons with Disabilities – ID 57994 and Development of Social Economy Enterprises in The North-West, South – West Oltenia and West Regions – ID 50240) – more than 10.000 direct beneficiaries and more than 120 communication and promotion of social economy events organised); vocational training, qualification and professional reconversion, specialisation in developing integrated social services, training in using evaluation tools for persons with disabilities (Integrated Social Services and Vocational Training for Persons with Disabilities – ID 54702 – 280 direct beneficiaries).

ASSOC is accredited as provider of specialised services for employment according to the Decision no. 101/06.06.2011 issued by the County Employment Agency of Maramures complying with the Law no. 76/2002, Law no. 277/2002 and Law no. 202/2006. Moreover, ASSOC is authorised provider of professional training according to the Law no. 375/2002 for approving the Ordinance no. 129/2000 referring to the professional training of adults. ASSOC is subscribed as personal data operator in the Registry of Personal Data Processing with the identification no. 18366. ASSOC has been a member of the Federation of the Non-governmental Organisations From Maramures County since 2003.

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